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Add Employees (pre-2019)

There is no limit to the number of employees you can add to a single company / profile on SimplePay. You will need to add your employees as part of the setup process and, as your business grows, you can simply add any new employees along the way. Employees can be added to the system individually or in bulk using an import file.

Adding Employees Individually

To add an employee individually, go to the Employees tab and click on Add New Employee. You will then be guided through a simple, two-step process to capture the following information: classification, basic info and regular hours. Please see the following related articles for more information on each of these steps:

Adding Employees in Bulk

If you have a large number of employees to add, it may be easier to do so using one of our bulk import options. You are able to add employees in bulk via P2C or Excel import.

Adding Employees via P2C Import

You are able to add employees in bulk by importing your P2C CSV file from ROS. This is our recommended method for adding employees as all the necessary information for correct calculations is added in one go.

Please note that where you start using SimplePay during the tax year, you will also first need to capture any applicable take-on balances before processing payslips. This will ensure that PAYE and USC calculations are accurate. Take-on balances are discussed further on in this article.

Adding Employees via Excel Import

You are also able to add employees in bulk using our Excel import function. This allows you to add a large number of employees to the system in one go, rather than capturing them one by one as above. This is useful for employees for whom you do not have P2C information.

You are able to import all of their basic info using this method but it’s not currently possible to include their regular hours in the import file. Please see the following section for more on using this option:

Manual Bulk Input

Employees’ regular hours can be set up in bulk using our bulk input feature. It is also possible to add employees in bulk using this option rather than the Excel import mentioned above. More information on this aspect of the system is available in the following article:

Please refer to the linked article in the first section above, if necessary.

Take-on Balances

Tax Take-ons

When adding employees, it may be necessary to capture take-on balances to include any previous payroll amounts in their tax certificates and / or payslip tax calculations. These can also be added individually or in bulk. More information on the various aspects of take-on balances is available in the following article:

Leave Take-ons

As with tax take-ons, you might also have to enter leave take-on balances for employees if you previously used another payroll system, or if you want to enter leave balances as at a particular date. More information about this can be found in the following article: