Can I enable Self-Service for all my employees automatically?

Yes, you have the option to auto-enable Self-Service for your employees.

You can do so as follows:

  • Go to Employees > Self-Service > Settings > General.
  • Check the Auto-enable Self-Service box.
  • Click Save.

Once this is set up, Self-Service will automatically be enabled for an employee when you enter their email address, either on the Employee Users tab (under Self-Service) or on an employee’s Basic Info page, even if the Enabled checkbox on the Employee Users tab is unchecked.

Since you can’t enable Self-Service on the Basic Info page directly, the auto-enable feature is particularly useful when you add a new employee and enter their email address on their Basic Info page. There will be no need to manually enable Self-Service for them. Please refer to the below help page for more information on Basic Info:

Please note:

  • If you entered an email address for an employee before auto-enabling Self-Service, you will need to manually enable Self-Service for the employee.
  • If you update/change an existing email address, this will not trigger the auto-enabling of Self-Service. It is only the entering of an email address for an employee who didn’t have one that will trigger the auto-enable.