Posts with Category "uncategorised"

End of Year Adjustments for Employers Paying Employee Liabilities Arising from TWSS

    1 minute read    

In January 2021, Revenue made a Preliminary End of Year Statement for 2020 available for each employee, to assist in determining the amount of Income Tax and USC due. Where employees have under-contributed Income Tax and USC for 2020 due to participation in TWSS, you (the employer) may decide to pay the liability on their behalf.

Updated App: Version 2.0

    1 minute read    

We’ve released version 2.0 of our app with more functionality.

TWSS Reconciliation

    1 minute read    

The TWSS Reconciliation Report is now ready for download.

UI Tweaks for Profile Pages

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We’ve made changes to our user interface on profile pages.

Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme

    1 minute read    

We have created a new system item to cater for the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme.

Ending Service on SimplePay

    4 minute read    

Outline of the steps that you need to follow on SimplePay if you need to end employees’ service and / or close your Simple Pay account for any reason

Employee Filtering Revamp

    1 minute read    

We’ve revamped our employee filters to make it more convenient to find and select employees.

Updates to COVID-19 System Items

    1 minute read    

We have implemented two changes for the COVID-19 system items: Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme and COVID-19 Employer Refund Scheme.

Pay Frequency Expansion

    1 minute read    

We’ve expanded our pay frequency settings to give you more flexibility to customise payment dates.

Bulk Import Employees from ROS

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We have introduced a new feature that allows you to bulk import employees from ROS.

Year in Review

    1 minute read    

As 2019 (and the decade) draws to a close, we’d like to thank you for choosing SimplePay as your payroll software provider. We really value the loyalty, ideas, feedback and love that we get from you, our clients.

Automatic Logout Feature

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Our new optional timeout feature allows you to choose how long the system can be left idle for before automatically logging you out of SimplePay.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

    1 minute read    

To assist with the upcoming gender pay gap reporting obligations, SimplePay has added a gender field for employees.

We’re App Partner of the Year Finalists

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SimplePay is delighted and proud to announce that we have been chosen by Xero as a finalist for the App Partner of the Year: South Africa.

New Feature: Employee Leave Expiration

    1 minute read    

You can now specify that leave days carried over from the previous leave cycle expires if not used within a specified time frame.

New Self-Service Features

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We have been working on expanding our self-service functionality recently and are pleased to announce that we have added two new features.

We Have Expanded Our PRSI Classes

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We now support PRSI sub-classes A8 and A9 for employees under a Community Employment Scheme.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

    1 minute read    

Small changes can make a big difference, so we have added a new leave report and made some tweaks to entitlement policies.

Customise System Items

    1 minute read    

SimplePay’s newest feature lets you create custom items that follow the same tax and payroll rules as system items.

New Live Chat Support

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Live chat support now makes it even easier for you to get the assistance that you need.

ROS Statement of Account

    1 minute read    

Your first Statement of Account is produced by the Revenue computer system based on all payroll submitted with a pay date in January 2019. The Statement of Account contains a chronological list of all tax liabilities incurred, any amendments to these liabilities, all payments made in respect of these liabilities and the balance outstanding at the end of the period referred to in the statement. The Statement of Account for January will need to be submitted by 14 February 2019, with all subsequent submissions due on the 14th of the month following the payroll month.

Revenue End of Year Notice

    1 minute read    

Revenue released an end of year notice on Friday 23 November 2018. Here is a summary of the most important parts of the notice.

Accounting Splits Made Easy

    1 minute read    

We’ve listened to your suggestions and are thrilled to launch our long-awaited Accounting Splits feature.