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TWSS Reconciliation Adjustments

Where employees have under-contributed Income Tax and USC for 2020 due to participation in TWSS, you may decide to pay the liability on their behalf. The TWSS Reconciliation Adjustments page allows you to amend your last payroll submission of 2020.

Revenue will then issue you with a Revised Monthly Statement which you can use to pay the additional amounts over to Revenue. The employee’s Preliminary End of Year Statement will be recalculated, showing the amounts that you have paid over.

To make the necessary adjustments:

  • Go to Employees > Bulk Actions > TWSS Reconciliation Adjustments
  • At the bottom of the page, select the employees that you wish to make the adjustment for by clicking on the checkbox next to their name. Alternatively, click on All to select all employees
  • Download and open the CSV file
  • Edit the Income Tax and USC figures and save the CSV file
  • Return to the TWSS Reconciliation Adjustments page and click on Choose File
  • Locate the file on your computer
  • Click the checkbox to confirm that you have read SimplePay’s notice
  • Click Upload
  • Check that the new data is displayed and click Save

You will then be redirected back to the TWSS Reconciliation Adjustments page, with a flash message that contains a link to the Submissions page.