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Pay Points

Pay points allow you to categorise your employees according to the structure of your business. They can be used to divide employees into cost centers, departments, branches etc. To set up your pay points:

  • Click on Settings > Pay Points > Add.

Once you have created your pay points, you will need to assign each employee to their respective category / department.

After assigning employees to pay points, you will be able to pull reports based on these divisions as well as restricting users’ access to specific groups of employees. It is also possible to post different pay points’ accounting information separately to Xero. More information on each of these aspects can be found in the following sections:


Restricted Access

Posting per Pay Point

Assign Pay Points Individually

You can assign each employee to a pay point individually as follows:

  • Go to their profile.
  • Click on Edit Info > Basic Info.
  • Select the Pay Point from the drop down menu.
  • Click Save.

Assign Pay Points in Bulk

If you have a large number of employees, their pay points can be assigned using the bulk input feature as follows:

  • Go to Employees > Bulk Actions > Essentials.
  • Select the pay point from the drop down menu in the Pay Point column.
  • Click Save.

Alternatively, you can assign employees to pay points using our Excel import option. This can be done either when they are added initially or at a later stage by uploading an updated template. In order for the template to contain a pay point column and the pay point options, you will need to have created your pay points before exporting the template. The template can be downloaded and imported by going to Employees > Bulk Actions > Bulk Add Employees, and more information on this feature is available in the following article: