My RPN information is not updating

If the RPN is not updating, the following three checks can be performed in order to rectify this error:

Check 1:

  • Ensure that there is only one RPN displayed on the system. If there are multiple RPNs, they must be removed.
    • Please note this action can only be performed by our support team.
    • Once the duplicated RPNs have been removed, the employee’s RPN will need to be updated. To do this go to Employee > Edit Info > RPN > Update

Check 2:

  • If the employee has recently been added to the system without any settings configured, the employee should be deleted and imported through the digital certificate. This will ensure the correct information is pulled through.
    • Use the system to identify if the desired RPN is not in the RPN history. To do this go to Edit Info > RPN info
    • In the event that the RPN does not update after following these steps, download the RPN csv file from ROS and contact the support team.

Check 3:

  • An error may occur if the employment ID has been incorrectly captured on the system. If this is the case, the employment ID must be updated.
    • If the RPN is showing in the RPN history but a different one is being used, please contact our support team as the certificate may need to be deleted. (See Check 1 for more information).